
Backstage Moments

Ok, you should have realized by now I'm a bad bad blogger and I often need to take some break from this blog and the crazy world of fashion.
So, after a long period on holiday far far away from Dirty Boots, I'm back and I'm ready to show you lots of new pictures taken in the streets, during fashion shows, backstages and other different events.
And since september is coming (of course with a new fashion week ), I want to start again by posting some snaps taken @ Iceberg Men Backstage in june.

3 commenti:

  1. Who cares? Love the pictures just boring post.

  2. You're right. Who cares about words when you can have some nice faces? :-D

  3. Bentornata :-)
    E wow... quanto ben di dio :-P


© Copyright 2009 Dirty Boots by Rosella Degori. All Rights Reserved